Mindstrom education Base Set Robots

Alpha RexAlpha Rex

RoboArm T-56

Robot type :Machine

What this robot can do:
RoboArm T-56 is a sophisticated robotic arm that can lift, pivot, and grab objects with its claws. It can detect colors with its Light Sensor and feel objects with its Touch Sensor . Three Motors power RoboArm T-56 – 1 motor powers the grabber claws and 2 motors enable the robotic arm to move up, down, and turn!

See how easy it is to program RobotArm T-56 to recognize and grab either a red or blue colored ball!

This simple program gives RoboArm T-56 the intelligence to distinguish between a red or blue ball with its light sensor. It grabs and moves the red ball, but rejects and releases the blue one when grabbed. You can use or mofify this program, or create one of your own!



 RoboArm RoboArm


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